Our Team of consultants have a proud history of providing practical and effective
solutions to address real issues confronting the mining environment.
John Wyche
Managing Director
Starting his career as a mining engineer in 1982 John has worked on open cut and
underground metals, coal and industrial mineral projects throughout Australia, the
South Pacific, South East Asia, China, Mongolia, North America, Mexico, South America
and Africa.
After eight years working in some of Australia's foremost coal and copper gold
projects, John founded AMDAD in late 1989 with the aim of applying sound mining
engineering practice to a range of new and developing projects. More than 20 years
later and with more than 100 projects completed personally the company has grown
and John's motivation to deliver innovative, yet practical, mine designs remains
the same.
He has expanded his expertise by completing a degree in Commerce and by taking every
opportunity to learn more about the geology and mineral processing aspects of each
project. He believes that strategic mine planning which considers the mine as one
part of the overall project, including the specific goals of each project owner,
is essential to maximising project value. Today John is fortunate to be supported
by a team of like-minded professionals who share a pride in their work and whose
complementary skills ensure an ever improving mine planning capability.
Chris Desoe
Chris has 28 years of experience in hardrock mining including evaluation, design,
research, development and operation in underground and open cut mines. Strengths
are particularly in mine design, evaluation, optimisation and development, including
planning and managing evaluation and development programs. Studies, planning and
development experience includes over 100 mining projects throughout Australia, South
East Asia, South America and the Middle East.
Prior to joining AMDAD in 1995, Chris gained 12 years of valuable experience in
large and small Australian operations, mining copper, lead, zinc and gold. This
experience covered underground and open cut mining in technical and management roles.
Peter Allen
Peter has 27 years experience in the minerals industry including 11 years as an
exploration and mining geologist in a wide range of hard rock operations throughout
Australia and Papua New Guinea.
As a geologist Peter has worked at all phases of resources definition and as a mine
geologist he has worked in medium to large size open cut and underground operations.
During his 17 years with AMDAD Peter has been responsible for open cut mine planning
studies that have involved optimisation, detailed design and scheduling for small
to large scale metalliferous and industrial minerals projects.
Doug Parbery
Doug has 21 years of experience in the mining industry including seven years of
site experience covering both mining operations and planning in demanding underground
hard rock environments. This mix gives Doug a better appreciation of the need to
ensure that mine plans are workable in practice as well as being efficient on paper.
During his 15 years with AMDAD Doug's work has involved detailed design and
scheduling of underground and open cut hard rock, together with mine planning of
open cut coal mines. His tasks have included reserves modelling, design of excavation
sequences, optimisation of mining methods and haulage profiles and detailed scheduling
of large equipment fleets through the various stages of mining.
Steven Weckert
After completing a research Masters degree on anchorage failure mechanisms of rockbolts
in 2002 Steven gained underground operational experience as a miner and engineer
at BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam Mine. He advanced rapidly in the geotechnical
department to become the Senior Geotechnical Engineer.
His career at AMDAD covers a much broader mining engineering role but his geotechnical
knowledge and experience gained at one of the world's leading underground mines
brings an added dimension to the services offered by AMDAD.
Taylor Elms
Taylor gained initial experience as a mining engineer working for mining contractor Downer
at the Commodore and Meandu open cut mines. There Taylor established skills and knowledge of open
cut mining practices and planning including operation of haul trucks, preparation of reports,
contractual reporting and costings, preparation of short and medium term mine designs and schedules,
project engineering, and optimisation of truck and shovel fleet. Following this, Taylor gained
consulting experience at Mungari and Tomingley open cut mines in areas of business improvement and
cost reduction. Taylor then joined the tendering team at Downer completing mine planning
for estimating and winning new contracts, and then providing senior mining engineering services
at Commodore Mine. Prior to joining AMDAD Taylor was Specialist Mining Engineer with contractor
Golding, further consolidating his open cut operations experience.
At AMDAD Taylor is further developing his mine planning skills through internal training, while
completing consulting tasks on hard rock projects utilising his established core skills.